Welcome to the first annual Amore Tank Your Hearts Writers Contest for YC118!

This is a contest for those that love to write about a game that they enjoy and the immersion that is unique to only EvE online. It is centered around valentine's day, because a lot of us are passionate about the the game and there are so many different aspects that one can fall in love with; whether it be characters, PvE, PvP, role playing, or so much more. So follow your heart and challenge your mind.

"There are other writing contests out there but I am trying to make this one unique and all to itself, I have been a contestant in writing contests before and a judge. It kinda gave me the bug to run one myself. I know that there are many talented and creative people out there in the Eve community to make this a huge success."


This contest will have three categories: Comedy, Non-comedy, and Short Stories. Further details for each can be found in the Rules page linked to the left (above for mobile), as well as links to the pages for Judges, Sponsors, Prizes, and Entries as they are submitted.

Winners for the Amore Tank Your Heart Writing Contest will be announced during an in-game, in-character Event on February 17th as well as on this site and in the EvE Fiction Forum following the event.

The event will be held in Origin System at 20:00 New Eden time at the Stargazer Resort situated in the snow capped peaks of Renaissance's most picturesque mountain range. This year's theme will be 'Winter Retreat' so bring your gravskiis, coco, and 'chill' dresses for an evening on the slopes and in the soaring transparent ballroom!

Alexylva Paradox | Origin
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